Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 3, 2010 Stepping Back in Tyme

Today I stepped back in time reading several of my beloved Grandmother's diarys. A time when there was no internet, and people wrote about their daily lives or sent letters to one another, got in their vehicles and drove to visit people, when families were bonded together and not fragmented with both parents needing to work one or more full time jobs. . . . yes the year was 1967. . .
My remembrances of grandmother practically dulled and faded away from all the years apart, as she passed away the next summer of 1968 in a terrible car accident, which snuffed out her life and was a sudden shock to us all, grandma was GONE, just that fast, in a fleeting moment. . .
Ironically in that same year my MOTHER wrote of her remembrances from her prospectives of life at that time, and hers was so tainted and different from grandma's. . . . I see now in the glimpses of their memoirs, just who I am and what shaped and formed the being that I am. . . . . both these people so close to me were quite high strung and had some of the same exact issues that I have, nervousness, problems sleeping, high strung, yet I am so strong. . . as in my line of work I deal with demanding sick people on a daily basis, or those who perceive they are sick, and seek drugs and medications to dull the pain of daily life and the daily stresses of '' existing''. . . . Both my mother and grandmother battled with weight issues, and were constantly talking about diets and taking diet pills and then wondering why they could not sleep at night, hmmmm
I only know that in this imperfect world, I would give anything to see them once again, as reading the passages of what they wrote jogged my memories of the pleasent and some times not so pleasent times of another era. . .

Grandma and mom both were extremely talented in fine arts and music, as am I. . .

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 25th 2010

Balmy weather here in Ohio and I anxiously await spring time. Here is one of my Bengal Cats, named Tatonka. He is a mix between a regular cat and Asian Bengal.